Access                                          Lesson 3


1.) Create a new database on your disk; label it "Internet Usage Worldwide"
2.) Create a table within this database; label it "1997 Rankings - [yourname]"
3.) Insert the information for each country as a record of that table, using appropriate fields
4.) Save your database, and print your table.

Internet Usage Worldwide

Country Internet
(in thousands)
% share
of total
1. United States 54,675 54.70
2. Japan 7,965 7.97
3. United Kingdom 5,828 5.83
4. Canada 4,325 4.33
5. Germany 4,064 4.07
6. Australia 3,347 3.35
7. Netherlands 1,386 1.39
8. Sweden 1,311 1.31
9. Finland 1,250 1.25
10. France 1,175 1.17
11. Norway 1,007 1.01
12. Spain 920 0.92
13. Brazil 861 0.86
14. Italy 841 0.84
15. Switzerland 767 0.77