Computer Applications II

Instructor:  Dean Morell

  Brief Course Description This course is designed to be an introduction to the concepts of information systems and exposes the student to the tools, methods, and procedures used in business, finance and related fields. Topics covered include: history of computers, operating systems, computer networks, and software utilization using business computer applications software such as Access 2000, Quicken 98, and Publisher 2000. Students will also design web pages  using HTML and Javascript, and learn introductory concepts of Java, CGI scripts, and online forms.

Expectations You are expected to follow the rules as outlined in the Gulliver Student Handbook, as well as adhere to Gulliver's Acceptable Use Policy for Computers. You are responsible for your computer station during the class period. Since Applications I is primarily self-paced, reading and concentration are essential in order to follow the guidelines contained in the classroom textbook that accompanies the class. Therefore a  workroom atmosphere is in effect for the computer labs at all times.

Supplies; Work
    One 100 Mb Zip disk. 

    Instructional books  (all of which are class sets).

    The contents of a disk are exclusive to you, e.g., you may not share your disk with any other student.

    Both the disk and book must be kept in the room at all times.

    Work must be printed and handed in to me with your name. All work, however, must also be saved on your disk, which I may' collect at any time





Component Relative Weight
In-Class and Online Assignments 50 %
Quizzes 35 %
Web Page Project 15 %


Web Page for Course